Monday 9 March 2015

All My Men

As girls (a huge over-generalization I'm sure) our true loves will always be our pets. There's something about that unconditional, you-are-a-literally-my-everything, kind of love that even the best of boyfriends can't compete with. Yes, there is plenty that we get from our boyfriends that dogs can't give us, and their love is certainly deeper, full of understanding and all that other good stuff; but our men just aren't our dogs... I think more then anything it comes down to vanity, pets have no choice but to love and worship us no matter how long we go without showering or how grumpy we can be. Maybe it's about safety too, because no sane person would be with me if I was mean and smelly.

I come home from work and both my men are there, in my apartment, sitting on the couch. I walk in and shawn looks up from his computer to say, "hey babe." The dog jumps off the couch, squeals and proceeds to jump into my arms and lick every inch of my face because this is his favorite part of the day. The dog continues to delight in my presence for then next several hours while we go for a walk, cuddle on the couch and play tug of war. Shawn likely gets up at one point to give me a kiss, and if he isn't completely caught up in work we'll talk about the day.

Tea on the Patio

Hello all! (and by all, I mean my mother and probably one of my aunts who will read this) It has been a long time since I've rambled at you and you probably thought you were safe from my nonsense, but, SURPRISE! Here I am with my lists and run-on sentences and my inability to ride a bike.

I had a friend visit me yesterday from out of town and I realized something very important. BOULDER IS AN ODD PLACE. It's winter, but winter in Boulder means that occasionally it's blizarding hibernation weather and occasionally it's in the 60's. Yesturday was one of the glorious beautiful days where you wear a dress and ignore the piles of snow on every corner and soak up the sun. I was hoping I could have some of my friends come and meet this lovely out-of-town lady and that's where I realized how odd Boulder is.

Every single person I knew was skiing or biking or climbing or slack-line-yoga-ing and unable to come for lunch or a walk downtown. I'm starting to think maybe this place is TOO active. It's not like I was trying to convince people to sit in a dark room and ignore the beautiful Colorado day. I was asking them to just be a little less athletic and enjoy the day on a patio drinking tea or local beer and enjoying some street music downtown.

I am not an active person, I am most definitely a drink-tea-and-enjoy-music-on-the-patio kind of person, but am I the only one in this damn city? How have I found myself in a place where only extreme sports are sports and exercising is the high point of everyone's day? Going to the gym is without a doubt, the WORST PART OF MY DAY, and I thought I shared that with the majority of living, gym-going individuals. When did I become the outcast?

Thursday 27 February 2014

Grad School is NOT Grown Up

I have found yet another way to put off being an adult: Grad School! Sure, it seems grown up and is filled with responsibilities BUT it is still not truly adult, and here is why:

1. I can wear leggings to work any day.
2. I can dye my hair purple (which is already done) and no one will mind.
3. I can buy 3lbs of cheap coffee at Costco and when people look at me funny I can again reply, "I am a student."
4. I'll have an income, without actually having a career (even though have as much lab work and teaching work as a career) I'll also be getting paid (barely) to go to class!
5. Because I said so

Heres to 6 more years (at least) of not being a grown up! And to my newest adventure: attempting a PhD in cellular aging genetics.


Monday 23 September 2013


I gave up on the whole blog affair when I realised I don't actually do anything exciting enough anymore. But then I realised, when did being boring keep people off the internet? It's not like my life was every THAT exciting to begin with... I was just awkward, and that certainly hasn't changed. Just this morning I ran up behind a girl who looked EXACTLY like a friend of mine and yelled hey sleezebag (to comment on the very old looking sweatpants she was wearing) to find it was some poor tiny freshman who now likely thinks I'm cruel and deranged. So why not share these pointless facts and stories on the internet? I give you this as fair warning, I am officially back to blogging my nonsense for your utter dismay or enjoyment. Cheers.


Wednesday 24 April 2013

This is me, staying put

I find myself again getting restless, getting tired of the routine of my 9-5 job and tired of the horrid April snow storms that move in every Monday like clockwork from the west. Maybe I'm not used to settling down, or maybe the weight of adulthood has finally caught up with me and crashed down upon my head. I find solace in the songs that express what I cannot and which play on loop through my head while I swim slow laps in the pool every morning.

The best part of my day is right before I go to sleep, after my shower, when i'm cuddled up in bed reading whichever book I've picked off the shelf. I have an ever-growing stack next to my bed of books I am working through, each specific to a mood or a feeling which will ease me into sleep.

The more restless I become, the more desperately I throw myself into the world of my books, textbooks, poetry, literature, more poetry, anything and everything to distract me from pending responsibilities.

This will be the longest I have lived in one place since high school and perhaps that's what is so scary. Perhaps it's going back to school which has me so on edge. Maybe I just need it to be warm and sunny and colorful outside again.

Sunday 14 April 2013

More Lists

Remember when this blog had tons of lists and they were really really fun? No? Well, you must at least remember when there were tons of lists... Lets have more of that.

Here is a list of my favorite books:

The Virgin Suicides
Here Be Monsters
A Sand County Almanac: With Other Essays on Conservation from Round River
Hills like White Elephants
Fun Home
Alice in Wonderland
The Great Gatsby
The Sea Around Us
