Wednesday, 15 June 2011

This is me, parenting?

It is fantastic to be in Italy, although getting here was quite an adventure. It involved me in an airport in northern Sicily with no money, no phone, and no working debit card attempting to find my way to the south of Sicily. I have learned two important lessons since being here, 1. I am no where near ready to have children, 2. Children destroy everything. Luca, who is almost 2 decided that the tassels on my Aldo shoes would make very good toys and so he pulled them off, and when that got boring he threw up on my new dress. While attempting to wash out the stains right away he started chewing my purst so now it is accented with a perfect representation of his gum line, which I am pretending was part of the design. I can't wear anything he can grab onto, so no earings or necklaces and if I don't keep my hair pulled back he chews on it. Babies may make a great fasion accessory, but they only seem to go with puke colored cotton tops and old jeans.

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