Tuesday, 11 January 2011

All things not anatomy

In the sprit of the new year, and of not revising for my anatomy exam i shall share with you a list of possible resolutions. I don't know anyone who actually fallows their new years resolution, but it is always good to begin the year by evaluating ones own life in a self-deprecating manner.

This year I will:

  1. Revise for my anatomy exam
  2. Eat protein
  3. Go to the gym for more then a shower
  4. Sleep in my own room at least 4 nights a week
  5. Cook noodles before eating them
This year I will not:

  1. Impulse buy vegetables I have no means of cooking
  2. Nap everyday
  3. Get involved with men who are stupid
  4. Judge people for their bad haircuts on the tube
  5. Use the words "pants" or "gobble" in any context, as to avoid confusion

And on a related note, how I actually spent the new year...

As always, there was dancing

 The Kauai scene is pretty lousy, but I managed to go to the point with my sister and Ishan


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